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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Avengers #59 (2022)


The Avengers' journey through time brings them to the Old West, where they cross paths with a couple of History's Mightiest Heroes, whose six-guns are loaded with the greatest powers of the heavens. But is that enough to force a showdown with the forces of Mephisto? Or will the Avengers be lost in time forever?

Well...what I said in my last post counts here. This issue was another mess and if I read one more time "Or will the Avengers be lost in time forever?" I am going to start blowing snot out of my ears.

Oh. Avengers....right. Iron Man and Thor make a 9 panel cameo. 

Will someone PLEASE sack that useless comedy hat wearing useless piece of crap Brevoort! This is NOT an Avengers comic. This is a mess. A mess behind an imaginary scene cover NOT in the book.

Marvel...Disney: enough is enough!

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