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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 1 August 2022

Scripting and Page Counts

 I have explained this before but I keep getting asked so here goes (again).

I have never written any scripts for any comics I have drawn. I did at one point decide to opt over to the conventional way and at least make series or book notes and I have a few A4 spiral bound jotters crammed with ideas used and not used.

There are 3-4 pp of notes on The Green Skies. Not any of it used. I find that this means things are very fluid when it comes to story-telling. You might have a character suddenly blasted backwards and not doing too well and then -"what if---" and the whole direction changes. I start with a blank page and go from there.

I have, of course, written hundreds of pages of scripts for others from Fantagraphics/Eros, Fleetway, Marvel UK -it goes on and on but that was (except with Fantagraphics) all for fair paying work.

This item from the beginning of 2021 explains something about the Invasion Earth Trilogy and remember none of these had a script yet seem to have impressed quite a few long time comic readers.

How Many Pages?

I had wondered this myself so when someone made a comment (not on CBO) about this I counted them.

Return of the Gods has 331 pp

Cross Earths Caper  107pp

Green Skies pt 1 203pp

Green Skies part 2 126pp

Green Skies part 3  124pp

Totalling....896 pages of super heroes, supernatural, science fiction and other genres intermixed.

I am told that with The Green Skies it is best not to try to read through in one go. The plot twists and turns and character stories can be overwhelming.  In fact, this is why Return and Green Skies I-III are broken up into chapters so that you can read one at a time  -I looked at them and if there were not chapters some comickers might get their minds blown. I try never to read my work once published but I did double check because this was a mammoth project begun decades ago and, yes, the chapter format works well.

Actually finishing the Invasion Earth anthology was a huge sigh of relief since my nearly croaking it a few years back would have meant it never being finished.

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