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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 24 May 2024

Black Tower Super Heroes 4



Hot off the presses! 

Yes, the fourth issue of BTSH is here and it is so crammed full of eye boggling action that we had to use adamantium staples to keep it all together! 

Kotar, Sabuta along with Tarot and Lady Silvana face the werewolf while the Zero Heroes are in a church surrounded by zombies and what happens to "the other guy" at the end...I'm asking -what happened? 

Jack finds that he could have had a fatal dose, while The Trial continues and the mystery deepens. 

There is more -much much more! 

Blue Saviour is the cover star and a tribute to creator David A. Johnson who brightened up Bath comic marts with his Blue Saviour, Madame Mystery and Enigma comics! 

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