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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 29 July 2023

"better to go out and get a real job" -You can quote me on that


A little lesson in how much you can earn as a publisher.

If my book Red Paper 2022: Canids sold 100 copies at £25.00 each that would be a total of £2,500 and my 'cut' of that after printer and print company gorge themselves? 

£671 -others get the remaining £1,829 (if you are in the US just change £ to $).

Oh...damn I just realised I forgot that I HAVE to pay U.S. taxes because the POD is based in the U.S. so...actually, based on the tax rate (I would be charged as a foreign national), £320. That is actually quite depressing but think about the books that cost less.

100 copies of a £8.00 book sold comes to £800. So my cut would be £386 and looking at the tax on those sales...I'd get about £100 

One thing to mention is that since I use a print on demand company based in the U.S. people can order and have their books printed in their region and local postal rates BUT because the POD company is in the U.S. I would be taxed for those sales.

So you see why I intend to buy copies then delete the online store and sell only direct so I keep all of the money?

Publishing, Kids -better to go out and get a real job.

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