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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 10 January 2012

In The Name Of The Father....

Will Argunas
Series: KSTR
Dimensions:  19.2×27.9×1.5 cms
Pages: 112
Price: € 16.00

  • ISBN: 2203032707
  • EAN: 9782203032705

Date of publication: 11/01/2012

The location is Houston, Texas, 2014. Those in a cathedral are about to experience a special moment: the first public appearance in the United States of the new Pope Nelson a black-American.  But a black pope raises many hackles and, despite security measures, the Pope is shot and three gunmen are arrested.  With the pontiff  in critical condition the FBI investigation starts immediately, coordinated by Agent Morgan Jackson, a black agent dispatched from New York for the occasion.

Everything seems straight-cut and there appears to be no doubt regarding the suspects but then Pope Nelson dies.  Morgan is put under pressure to close the case but Morgan is not happy.  Something is “off”..

This book, apart from the occasional use of red, is coloured using an almost bronze-like wash –almost sepia.  It is very effective when used with Argunas almost sketchy style and it is this style which carries the story along nicely.  I love the fact that Agent Morgan looks uncannily like the actor Laurence Fishburne –and why not!  It all works nicely.

Nice art and, even with my very very poor French, a great story. I now have to look out for more Argunas work!


apologies for the scans not being great but I didn’t want to break the book!

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