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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Neige et Roc/ Snow And Rock

Authors: (W) Stéphane Piatzsezk  (A) Stéphane Douay
Series: Various authors
Pages: 56
Full colour
24x 31.5 cms

ISBN: 2203044756
EAN: 9782203044753
Price: € 14.95
Date of publication: 25/01/2012

Apart from their ages, there is only one other thing Lucas and Olivier have in common –a difficult relationship with a teenager.

Lucas is a former Israeli Army sniper living in Paris but he has a major problem –gambling.  And to get himself out of debt he is forced into performing a task for the Russian Mafia…murder.

Olivier is a police mountain guide in Chamonix, just as his father was.  However, Olivier is haunted by how, while they were tethered together, his father. Yet still he struggles on.

And in the snow-covered mountains these two men are brought together by fate. Will either of the men waver and will Lucas carry out the planned murder?

I like how Casterman have artists who use varying styles which means that you can pick up a bunch of their books but never see the same style twice.  I’m completely unfamiliar with Douay’s work so I’ll need to go and see what I can find online.

My very poor French does let me down a little but the story seems well-paced and well-balanced/paced.  The book is available to order from tomorrow.

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