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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 24 January 2012

La Paternite dans tous Ses etats/Fatherhood in all its forms

Creator: Sophia Villenoisy / Mr Choubi
Jungle! BD
Hard Back
Full colour
22.5 x 30 cms
12 euros
In bookstores January 18, 2012!
ISBN: 978-2-874-42958-3

After two dozen pregnancy tests –winning them a loyalty card at their pharmacy- Marc and Flora are over-joyed to find they are to be parents.  It’s champagne all-round!

For Marc this is perfect because he’ll now be a father but he soon learns that “with pregnancy come the pitfalls”! The early nausea and body changes are a little mind-blowing.  For Flora, of course, there is the sudden concern that she is no longer as slim as all those models and actresses in the magazines.

For Marc there is not just work but all the other responsibilities such as  shopping and getting the home ready. But while Flora worries about her increasing size Marc finds it somewhat “alluring” –particularly how his wife’s bosom is growing!!

And after the baby is born Marc finds it hard becoming a “new dad” and caring for the baby while re-assuring Flora.  Every day is a new surprise for Marc (hah! Wait til he gets to the first nappy change after baby gets on to solids!).

The artwork is very nice and I was surprised that I got the gist of what was going on (and I chuckled) from just looking at the art.  Its very well designed and once you do thumb through the book who needs to read French!

Its all here: Any woman who has gone through pregnancy is going to recognise everything dealt with here –the dating, the sex, the discovery of pregnancy, nauseau (but not necessarily vomiting in hubby’s face), the increase in weight.  This is a lovely book.

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