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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 15 July 2012

Team Girl Comic! No. 5 -EXCELLENT!

Team Girl comic! No.5
44 pages
A5 (Digest)
Black & White

The issue includes many regular as well as new contributors such as:

Gillian Hatcher, Colleen Campbell, Penny Sharp, Evy Craig, Amanda ‘Hateball’ Stewart, Elena Vitagliano, Claire Yvette, M. J. Wallace, Kate Sicard, Chloe Sevigny, Emma McLuckie, Katie Ravenscraig (how cool a surname is that?!), Rebecca Riley, Mondo, Mhairi Hislop, Penny SharpHeather Middleton, Miriam Kendrick, Stephanie MicAllan and Jef Sinclair.

If I left anyone out –SORRY (I can’t find my glasses).

The comic is available to buy now from the TGC website and will soon be available at Plan B Books in Glasgow, Deadhead Comics in Edinburgh, and Gosh! and Orbital in London.

The TGC shop link is:

The good thing to note is that TGC has also been able to print up more copies of the sold out back-issues so not bad.

First thing I noticed on reading this is that it has a slightly different feel to to it.  The stories have a different edge and slant to them than in a book produced exclusively by male creators. It actually added to the enjoyment.  “Lizard” by M. J. Wallace I enjoyed and ditto Campbell’s “Love Of The Loveless” (aaaw).  “Underground Glimpse” by Elena Vitagliano was superb and I have seen other work by her so wasn’t surprised by the quality.

In fact, the one thing I really enjoyed about TGC is the fact that you have to mixing of art standards. “Standards” seems a bit rude as it implies there were the Bad and the Good but it’s not what I mean (can you believe I write for a living???).  There is a richness in the mix of art styles and strips and so far not one issue (that I’ve seen) of TGC has failed to impress me.

I am really hoping that the sales are good enough to make it easier to print the 6th issue of Team Girl Comic!  My hat goes off to these creators and here’s hoping for more in future!

And my scanner has just decided that it does not recognise my computer (?!!). So, if anyone from TGC! wants to send three jpeg pages to me for inclusion in this review please do.

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