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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Cardiff Independent Comic Expo 2015

Event Details

Cardiff’s only independent comic show returns on Saturday 27th June, 2015 at Cardiff Masonic Hall.
The Cardiff Independent Comic Expo (CICE) will showcase the very best in independent comic artists, writers, publishers, retailers, illustrators and more, from South Wales and beyond.

The event returns after a brief break in 2014, to build on the successful shows held since 2011, to celebrate the talent of those creators at the heart of the indie scene.  

Guests include 2000AD artists Mike Collins and Patrick Goddard, 2000AD writers Ian Edginton and Rob Williams, horror writers Wayne Simmons and David Moody.  They are joined by superbly talented indie creators including: Ana Catris, Lou Scannon, Bearded Skull, Stiffs, Razarhawk, David Broughton, Godmachine, Sarah Millman, Stu.Art, and many more…

Mike Allwood, creator of CICE and comic show producer for 25+ years, is delighted to bring back CICE:-

The independent creators are the very soul of our shows.  Every year they raise the bar on the books they produce and to this day continue to push the medium to new levels.  I’m delighted to have the opportunity once again to showcase the rich pool of talent we have in the UK with our small press creators”

The show is suitable for all ages, families are welcome, as are family friendly cosplayers
Tickets are available online from our official website priced at £5 (children under 12 go free with a ticket holding adult)

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