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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Book Scheduling 2019

As posted on the Black Tower Comics and Books Face Book page:

It is correct to state that issues 2-8 of Black Tower Super Heroes are complete -each having 80pp of UK Golden, Silver and contemporary comic strips.

BTSH was supposed to have been published leading up to The Green Skies, which is at 400+ pp but I've not worked on it since last year. Putting it into perspective Green Skies SHOULD have been published in June 2014.

One of the problems is that there are so many books on the online store and adding more when -including parts 1 and 2 of the Invasion Earth Trilogy- nothing sells. People who have read Return of the Gods and Cross Earths Caper love them -but they are reviewers outside of the UK.

The BIGGEST problem is converting the books to pdf. You see, each page has to be opened in a program that converts them into a pdf file. Open program such as Adobe or Nitro and then add pages 1-80 then convert to a pdf you can upload to the Print on Demand company. Both Adobe and Nitro cost almost £200 for a year -then you have to 'buy' again.

I do not have the £200 and I could not honestly defend spending that amount when it is for books that are not going to sell.

I could, of course, produce a Word Doc of 80 pp but the problem there is that you get a huge marge (over an inch -2.5cms) all around the page and so in an A4 book there is roughly 20% of the art page lost.

I don't really need to -I SHOULD NOT need to- go into what is in the store or the genres or that there are prose books, comic albums and graphic novels -all self contained so you do not have to buy multiple issues for a story. The exception is BT Adventure which was designed as an anthology series.

People do not buy and recommend then, basically, not much can be done. But BTSH 2-8 are not scheduled for 2019 release -neither is The Green Skies!

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