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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 29 March 2019

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 135 - March 2019

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Dear Reader,
Do you like a good mystery? Strange events, hidden adversaries, games of cat and mouse? Good, because we have that in spade this month!
Take Buck Danny, for example. Someone’s shot down a Japanese plane, and is trying to pass it off as an act of Chinese aggression. That’s the sort of stuff that could lead to war on a global scale, but our flyboy is smarter than that, and he smells a rat. Can he flush the puppet masters out in the open before things go catastrophically wrong?
In Twenty Years Later, we meet again with the survivors of the plane crash from Story Without a Hero. Time has passed and they moved on with their lives, when suddenly they begin dropping dead at an alarming rate … What’s going on? Simple coincidence, or was there something sinister connected to the events of twenty years ago only now resurfacing?
Finally, IAN is taking drastic measures to make sure he never again goes on a rampage like he did during the riots, but not only is he too resilient for suicide to work, someone – something? – is trying to keep him alive. Of course, there’s the small matter of a government that doesn’t feel the same way AT ALL …
March with Cinebook – the game is afoot!

Buck Danny 9 
Formosa & Zumbiehl
Flight of the Spectre
When a Japanese patrol plane is shot down by a mysterious aggressor, the international community immediately suspects the Chinese — the attack took place off the Japanese Senkaku Islands, which China also claims as their own. The incident is extremely serious and could lead to all-out war ... Read more

IAN 3 
Meyer & Vehlmann
Horrified at the memory of what he’s done during the Los Angeles riots, Ian tries to commit suicide. But his body turns out to be simply too durable. Injured but alive, he’s taken in by the inhabitants of the city’s slums ... Read more

Twenty Years Later
Dany & Van Hamme
Twenty years have passed since the survivors of the Corair crash emerged from the jungle. But suddenly they begin dropping like flies. Rafalowski, the cowardly pianist, vanishes. Miss Taylor, the nanny, drowns. Draillac, who was 12 at the time of the accident, is kidnapped and believed dead ... Read more
Alone 10
The Machine for Undying
Lucky Luke
The Complete Collection 1
The Route 66 List 1
Thorgal 21
The Sacrifice

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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May 11 & 12, 2019: Cinebook will exhibit at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada

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