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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 8 March 2019

Racism In UK Comics

I need to point out that I am NOT in charge of policing the UK comics 'scene'  and have made my position clear that I was only interested in promoting UK comics and trying to see whether all the faults could be repaired.

I am absolutely not -not- interested in emails like this: "That fat baldy sod you had an argument with -you know he's a nasty little racist twat dont you?"  Apparently, according to the deleted email things were said in a Midlands public house and "it follows a pattern".

Look, if you hear or see something that is illegal go to the police.  I delete any emails like this as unless someone is willing to give out their full name it is just rumour mongering and the reasons for it are suspect.

I washed my hands of British comic 'personalities' long ago.  I have also washed my hands of the illegal monopoly on comic distribution in the UK and bullying in the comics 'community'. Everyone had ample time but crawled back into a hole when they had the opportunity to speak out.  Find another blogger to moan to.

Not interested, especially since there is no racism in UK comics that I have seen -everyone appears to be white.

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