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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 November 2019

Mysterious & Strange Beasts

Mysterious & Strange Beasts
After more than a year I should not have to keep writing this but the POD doesn't seem to be arsed: Books DO NOT only ship from North America but from YOUR local POD printer.
No excuses!

Humans have always been fascinated by reports of strange and mysterious beasts prowling the Earth. But are they fact or fantasy?
What were the mystery beasts that killed people in France during the17th and 18th centuries?
Are there Bigfoot-like creatures in the UK?
What about the reports of werewolves?
Are humanoid bat-like creatures flying around the United States and UK?

Many others are included in this book such as the Vampire of Niali, the Devil's foot-prints of Gatagon; The Supernatural Invasion: Slender-man and Black Eyed Kids Mystery Creature of the Bay of Flamanville,Things Caught on Camera –Fact and Fiction,The Bat Creatures, The Owl-man The British Pig-man and Snake-man, The Pictish Beast Shunka Warak'in –A Hyena Too Far? and many others.

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