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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 18 November 2019

Yahoo Groups Gone. You Tube Driving Away Comic Channels...Blogger Next?

When I wrote and said that we are currently going through the Dark Ages of comics I thought I had exaggerated slightly. After all, the late Denis Gifford referred to the 2nd World War as the Dark Ages.
Yahoo 360, despite stating otherwise, closed leaving many bloggers minus all their content.
You Tube introduced the Multiversity to allow new creator content -then pulled the plug leaving a lot of newly established small businesses in trouble.
I set up my Yahoo groups around 2003 and with BritComics and spent 17 years working to make it a UK comic archive. lots of tech problems then rumours. Two weeks before Yahoo Yahoo told me that rumours about closing Yahoo Groups was false (I had actually stated that I believed Yahoo was planning to do this after it ceased to be an independent company in 2017.
Similar tech problems on Blogger resulted in my hearing from several independent internet experts that they suspected the owners -Google- intended to close Blogger.
Comics has been hit by one blow after another so no surprise there is an Age of Indifference.
Now many You Tube comic and toy collection channels are disappearing. Why? Because You Tube was spying on children in its audience which is illegal. They got hit with millions of dollars in fines. Now they have moved blame to creators on YT. Check into it as it seems the intention is to turn YT into a "Millennial;s based" channel.
Fandom is gone -as it was in the 1980s. The internet did the dirty deed as did the trolls, SJWs, anti  SJWs and "Wokes".
Well, we'll see hopw Blogger goes shall we?

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