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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 1 October 2023

Paul Ashley Brown Broken Frontier Interview and Browner Knowle Is Back!



Browner-Knowle Vol. 2 #1 – Paul Ashley Brown Reflects on Identity, the Pandemic, Thatcherism and the Realities of the Comics Industry on Broken frontier


  1. Yay ! Paul's back ! Always good to see someone making art ... and Paul's damned good at it !

  2. The spirit of Will Eisner is possibly chortling that sequential art, which once was used in PS Magazine in WW2 - Comics and Sequential Art by Will Eisner - as guides for the American troops in servicing their vehicles, their rifles and ammunition, etc, is now being used by Katie Porter -American politician, law professor, and lawyer who is the U.S. representative from California's 47th congressional district - as a show and tell guide to highlight up the misdemeanors of the Republican Party under Donald Trump!
