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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Fond Memories: Arsat Der Magier von Venedig


According to one source Arsat was living in ancient Egypt as a judge and a priest, but when his body was disturbed in modern times he wakes up to a second life, in which he fights evil uses a special crystal and a magic serpent wand.

The full title of the series is Arsat Der Dämonenjäger. -Arsat The Demon Hunter. The series started in 2001 and ended in 2002 after 12 issues. Apparently some of the Spuk Geschicten stories were reprinted in this series (never seen the issues so cannot confirm that).

As noted some of the stories were first published in Spuk Geschichten from 1978 to 1995 (492 issues), in which they were titled Arsat Der Magier von Venedig -Arsat the Magician from Venice (Venedig was the old name of Venice).

It was in this series that I first read of Arsat's adventures.

Jesus Pena, a Spanish artist (2nd June, 1941- 2nd May 2005) drew most of the stories I read (no writer was credited) and Pena worked under a number of names -Suso, Pena, Jesús de la Peña,  Santiago Rego and, of course, Jesus Pena Antonio Pérez.

Other artists were Antonio Vila and Vicence Farres Sensarrich.  
Jesus Pena

Sadly, as my home used to be an "open house" a number of my Spuk Geschichten (Spooky Stosries) and Gespenster Geschichten (Ghost Stories) were stolen as was a paperback of Esteban Maroto's Werewolf series.

Arsat was set in what appears to have been the 17th/'18th century not in modern times.  He was accompanied on his adventures by a youthful red haired assistant Gino and the beautiful Carmilla.

In Spuk 263 the story Die Brucke zur Damonenwelt (The Bridge to Demon World) they face a half demon -half machine monster.

I now have only Spuk Geschichten 263 and it is treasured.  The character did inspire, as I have noted before, Black Tower's Gipsy sorcerer Tarot.  I did write three scripts for Arsat but like D-Gruppe, when Egmont bought out Bastei Verlag (the publisher) all of that was lost somewhere (likely shredded).

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