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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Yes, Manga, Manhua and Manhwa ARE Popular Posts

 There is a lot -LOT- of interest in Manhwa, Manhua and Manga and that shows up in the stats with the old posts I wrote on the subjects still being checked out 20+ years later.  I have been asked why I do not review newer collected art books on Manga and Manhua.

Firstly, language doesn't come into it. If a book whether European, Japanese, Chines, Korean or British is drawn well then it tells the story in pictures and it should be readable visually. The problem is that buying new books to review is well beyond my finances and I have never had a publisher interested in getting their books reviewed here (they probably have a large enough reader base so new customers from overseas are of no interest).

My collection is somewhat meagre but when I get the time I will be looking at them in more detail.

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