The following is a re-post from a few years back and the reason to re-post is because someone asked if I had only ever created a German team of heroes? Nope. Read on!
There is always a little bit extra when it comes to Black Tower projects here and so why not the odd exclusive peek at "What should have been"?
I went through a box yesterday and found three of the project submission packs that I would have touted around to publishers back in the last century (it is SO weird writing that!). I could not remember the date of the project as a lot of things I burnt a couple years back, however, a flip sheet was attached and reads:
"This series was first produced in 1987 for a European publication in Germany (Bastei). the idea is a simple one; super hero action with a quirky (NOT comical) feel to it. Each story would feature characters from different countries of West, Central and Eastern europe -an EU of super heroes!
"Stories would move around European cities from the UK to Finland, France amnd so on.
"The first story written (six scripts fully written) and pencilled by Terry Hooper was inked by John Schiltz back in 1990 and can be updated into the 48pp album format either B&W or colour"
From pencilled notes this was something that Gil Page at Fleetway was interested in as it could fit in a lot of the old adventure characters the company had and it could also be sold to other European publishers as per past projects. Sadly, the board room said "No!" very loudly and I think Gil knew the company was going to swerve away from what it used to be.
The submission pack I found mentioned the Big Balloon Bv which was a company based in the Netherlands. I have no idea what happened after the initial fax, phone call and submission.
As far as I recall these were faxed pages that I immediately photocopied on my Canon FC220 (before its demise!).
Here you go -Task Force Europe initial story.
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