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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 13 November 2011


Justice can be costly…
The Royal Family have been murdered, and the main suspect is the Court Mage Anciarin, who fled the scene in suspicious circumstances. However, not everyone is convinced of Anciarin’s guilt. Iashar, assigned to the pursuit of the fugitive, becomes increasingly sure that there is more to the murder than he first thought. His search for the truth leads him to a forgotten history – and powerful enemies.
New from Sweatdrop Studios, “Sun Fish Moon Fish” tells the story of a royal murder, an innocent accused, an ancient betrayal and the struggle to find the truth. This fantasy drama by Morag Lewis is a complete story in one 256-page volume, and is available now from Sweatdrop Studios’ online shop.
£7.00, colour cover, black/white inners, perfect bound, age rating 13+, fantasy

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