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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 5 February 2012

Mistinguette 2: Baisers et Coquillages/”Kisses and Shellfish”

Mistinguette 2: Baisers et Coquillages/”Kisses and Shellfish”
Writer: Greg TESSIER

Genres:Youth , Slice of life
Hard Cover
Full Colour
48 pages
Size: 22 x 29 cms
Ages: + 10 years
ISBN: 9782874428913
Ean: 9782874428913
9.95 EUR
Released 01/02/2012 at Jungle

Okay, 54 years old here and reading a book for Girls of 10 years plus. Suddenly, that latest issue of Atlas Unified  is looking better.  Seriously, though, being one of the comic industries greatest reviewers this is no problem since I use “method reviewing”-dress and act  like a ten year old girl for a week and then I can do this.

This is drawn in a nice Manga style but is not as off-putting as some Manga I’ve seen aimed at girls. It’s bright, colourful and well drawn –can you ask for more?

Hands up straight away that I have no idea what “Mistinguette” means and I have search my English-French dictionary! I’m just hoping “Kisses and Shell-fish” is right!
The book itself follows Chloe as she goes on holiday with her parents and experiences the joys of camping, getting splashed, the beach and, of course…boys!  Each chapter ends with a sort of diary page that shows how Chloe feels.

This is part of Jungle! BDs “Miss Jungle” series.  They also publish such titles as Futurama, The Simpsons and so on in French. And, see(!!), there is such a genre as “slice-of-life”!


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