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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Clallam Bay Comic Con Adds Eigenbrötler Film Festival

Contact: Torsten Adair at:

Even without a fireworks display, evenings in Clallam Bay in summer are still gorgeous!
Photo (c)2015 Roberta Gregory

Film Festival will celebrate strange, unusual, unique media

Clallam Bay, Washington, USA - May 12, 2015: Building on the success of last year's Clallam Bay Comic Con, event organizers announced today the creation of the Eigenbrötler Film Festival, a program created to celebrate the unusual, unique, and unknown of the cinematic artform, to be held during the evenings of the Comic Con, scheduled for July 11-12

"Everyone has a favorite movie, tv show, or video that seems a bit odd, but which is also unforgettable and quirky," states Torsten Adair, film festival director. "It can be something as professional as Daffy Duck being tormented by an unseen animator, or as homemade as a video of a water-skiing squirrel. If it catches your attention and makes you wonder 'what the heck?' then it's probably worthy for inclusion in our program."

Attendance to the Film Festival is free to all attendees of the Clallam Bay Comic Con. Attendees are encouraged to bring food to share with the audience. Those unable to prepare food are encouraged to bring a box of pasta and a jar of sauce. If possible, bring canned or boxed foods for the food bank.

For further information, or to submit or suggest a film for the festival, join the conversation on the Facebook page, "2015 Clallam Bay Comicon." Or contact Torsten Adair at

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