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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 4 May 2015

Grace Lee Whitney Dies, Aged 85

Well, as usual, BBC news has fluffed it all up.  But at least everyone else has carried the sad news. Here from The Huffington Post:

‘Star Trek’ actress Grace Lee Whitney has died of natural causes, at the age of 85. 

The star, who played Captain James T. Kirk’s (William Shatner) assistant Janice Rand died at her California home on Friday, her son has confirmed. 

grace lee whitney
Grace at a 2012 'Star Trek' convention 
Grace played Janice in the original TV series, and later reprised her role in four of the franchise’s films, and the 1996 series ‘Star Trek: Voyager’.

William Shatner has paid tribute to his Grace on Twitter, writing:

Her career began in the 1950s, and Grace starred in a number of other high-profile projects, including the film ‘Some Like It Hot’.

In 1998, she released an autobiography, in which Grace revealed her struggle with alcohol and substance dependence.

Grace credited ‘Star Trek’ fans with helping her through tough times, and the star was praised for her openness and honesty when it came to speaking about addiction.

“When I told the fans I was an alcoholic, they all applauded,” she stated in 2013. “When I told them I had given myself to a higher power, they cheered again.

“I’m in a great place because I’ve gone full circle.”

Tempus fugit


  1. Extremely saddened to hear this , soon after her friend Leonard Nimoy . I too , noticed that there was no news of her passing on the BBC or text news .

  2. BBC miss out a good few of these. especially of people who help MAKE the BBC TV what it was

    1. A glance at the Radio Times archive will bring tears to your eyes . I've just been on it at January 1st 1970 . Casey Jones , Zokko , Ken Dodd and the Diddymen , Doctor Who : Spearhead from Space : Episode one , The Debbie Reynolds Show .
