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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 21 June 2019

Ruty Rutenberg at Forbidden Planet Newcastle!

Wednesday 3 July 2019 from 13:00 to 18:00 
at our Newcastle Megastore

Join RPG designer and world-class DM Ruty Rutenberg for a Dungeons and Dragons session to remember – at our Newcastle store on Wednesday 3rd July, from 1pm!

Ruty Rutenberg is the co-author of Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, a Dungeon Master's Guild Adamantine Best-Seller, and its follow up #1 Best-Seller Morgrave Miscellany, with Keith Baker. As a DM’s Guild Adept he was the Lead Designer for Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else, a Mithral Best-Seller, and worked with them on several other top performing titles. 

As a Multi-platform Film Producer for Dungeons and Dragons, his expertise spans Acting, Film Producing, Hosting, Video Game & Screenwriting, and Voice Acting, working alongside all the major Film Studios on titles like Argo, Fury, Baby Daddy, Finest Hours, Growhouse, and Magnificent Seven.

Ruty is also a decorated US Army OIF/OEF Veteran, Award-Winning Professional Dungeon Master, and World Builder/Creator.

And Ruty is dropping by our Newcastle store!
So pack your 50' of rope and your 10' pole, bring your dice and your rulebooks, and come along to a D&D session to remember – a game lasting from 1 – 4pm on Wednesday afternoon!

And in the evening, you can join Ruty for a chat and a Q&A. He’ll be signing, too, so feel free to bring your D&D books, cards and other goodies!

 Please note: if you wish to attend the evening event, you will need a wristband. Numbers are limited, so please speak to our Newcastle staff for details!

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