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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 13 June 2019

The Comic Con Experience for the first time in Cologne!

That's awesome: the Comic Con Experience is coming to Cologne! With an incredible 262,000 visitors in São Paulo, the CCXP is the largest comic con experience in the world - and now it's coming to Europe for the first time! That can only be epic!
Start a journey where you are the superhero. Or the bad guy. Or an elf. In our world, you can be whoever or whatever you want. It is your world, our world.
The CCXP COLOGNE is the place that connects you with your Hollywood stars and favorite artists from around the world. Here you not only have the chance to disguise yourself as your favorite character, but also to meet this live. Look forward to the biggest stars, the best trailers, exclusive premieres and previews - with you, the CCXP COLOGNE will be the most epic event of the year!

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