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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 26 July 2019

The Green Skies Update 26th July

Originally posted on the Black Tower Face Book page

I have no idea why I post updates but here you go.

I just finished the final pages of The Green Skies. The end is done.

I now need to draw a few bridging pages and that will be it. A comic book story that started off in 1987 and has weaved its way through The Return of the Gods:Twilight of the Super Heroes to the Cross Earths Caper and tiny threads here and there.

Billed as The Invasion Earth Trilogy, parts 1 and 2 cover well over 400 pages.

This Green Skies conclusion, last time I counted the pages, was over 450 pages. This is my swan song so I do what I want -I am the publisher after all!

The photos that follow will show you the stack of completed art pages -over 5 inches high (13 cms).

Once the bridging pages are completed and the art is complete I'll go through the pages (AGAIN) and do touch up work then scan everything. After that is the big problem.

I do not hand letter -not since I got a computer. Physical degeneration of my fingers/hands means lettering is impossible. However, since my old PC died on me I cannot computer letter. My microsoft office publisher program was on it and so were all of my fonts, etc. The current laptop has none of those programs and to buy them would be far too expensive -rather like a pdf converter program- and since I am completely broke financially.....

Until I can afford (look into the very distant future) a new PC or the programs I need the project is in limbo.

I had hoped that books might sale but everyone seems to want to not support publishers such as myself money coming in.

Annoying but until real comic fans emerge....

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