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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 1 November 2020

Cinebook Ltd: Newsletter 154 - October 2020


Dear Reader,

Please give a warm welcome to a new, three-volume period series: The Battle. Based on a multiple award-winning novel by French writer Patrick Rambaud, The Battle chronicles the terrible Battle of Essling in 1809 – Napoleon’s first stumble after a string of stunning victories. Take an uncompromising tour of the battlefield as seen through the eyes of several characters – simple soldiers, dashing young officers and exalted marshals and dukes …

More nobility with the latest Gomer Goof – though the ‘Duke of Goofington’ belongs to the aristocracy of walking disasters. You can’t fault his intentions, but the results … Oh dear. Fortunately, it’s all perfectly harmless – and hilarious!

Finally, Yakari shows once again a nobility of spirit and a bravery no one would expect from such a young boy, when another tribe steals his people’s horses and he joins his father and other warriors in attempting to take them back. Expect a fine adventure to follow!

October with Cinebook – the noble art of comics!

Australian friends! We’d like to introduce you to our new distributor Down Under: John Reed Books. Whether a reader or a bookshop, get your Cinebook titles from them – and happy reading!

Gomer Goof 7
Gomer, Duke of Goofington

Among the many obstacles to Spirou Magazine’s productivity, two of the most formidable are Gomer’s little protégés: a very playful cat and an evil-tempered black-headed gull. Between the bird’s dive-bombing attacks and the feline’s recurrent bouts of madness, Prunelle and the others don’t have it easy ... Read more

The Battle
Ivan Gil & Frédéric Richaud
Book 1 of 3

Louis-François Lejeune, young colonel attached to the emperor’s staff, meets his old friend Henri Beyne in occupied Vienna. He also meets the beautiful Anna Krauss, with whom he is madly in love with. Nearby, though, Napoleon is attempting to crush the Austrian army... Read more

Yakari 18
Derib & Job
The Wall of Fire

In the middle of the night, a daring thief from another tribe makes off with the horses of Yakari’s people. Only Little Thunder managed to escape him by fleeing into the forest. While the warriors hurry after their precious mounts, Yakari goes in search of his friend ... Read more

The Battle
Book 2 of 3

Blake & Mortimer 27
The Call of the Moloch

Human Stock Exchange 1

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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