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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 26 November 2020

The Story of Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling & a Bit of LJN Wrestling Su...


  1. Just having a hell of a day- no comment - just thought I'd saw Hi. TTFN

  2. One thing you can guarantee in this world is that shit is going to happen -and it delivers regularly! Avenger told me that. I spent almost two hours with British Gas customer India and in the end I gave them a choice "Yes" or "No". It was "Yes" which they could have told me in 2 minutes. My Smart Monitor in the house apparently will not talk the the smart box by the external meters. Still won't. Tech does this on a regular basis itseems. THEN I printed something off and a large message came onscreen "YOU NEVER SWITCHED YOU PRINTER OFF LAST TIME BEFORE DISCONNECTING IT> FOLLOW THE PROCEDURE AS OUTLINED" the ****** computer is telling me off!! Never killed anyone though. Tomorrow is always a better day I'm told. :-)
