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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Avengers arrived just as I ran out of toilet paper


The Avengers are lost in time, and if they're going to stop Mephisto's grand plan, they'll need help from some of history's greatest heroes, whose stories have never been told. Like the mystical man of war, Sgt. Szardos, Soldier Supreme of World War II, and his squadron of supernatural grunts, the Secret Invaders.

After the "Lady Thor" issue that had no Avengers connection what-so-ever I saw this cover and thought "Yes! Here we go!" After I had finished reading this piece of toilet paper my words were, and I quote here: "What a heap of shit!"

Captain Marvel gets a cameo in one panel as he takes cover in amongst foliage to watch events. At the end we see a quinjet flying off. that cover? That is what you'll see of the Avengers. The cover. I actually read the "writing" credit three times thinking this was a stand-in filler issue but Aaron's wrote this...puerile piece of crap. WTF did that synopsis have to do with anything I was looking at other than "mystical man of war, Sgt. Szardos, Soldier Supreme of World War II, and his squadron of supernatural grunts, the Secret Invaders" and the Secret Invaders make cameo appearances.

When did the Avengers comic become one off stories NOT about the Avengers?? Aaron, going by this and some of his past stories, is a spent creative force (more a burp than a hurricane).  The title reads "Earth's Mightiest Heroes The Avengers" and perhaps Tom Brevoort ought to stop thinking he looks cool in tiny hats (still??) and get off of his lardy ass and actually do work as an editor. Just a suggestion but as he gets a big salary and seems to do feck all for it maybe there are too many staff at Marvel and the dead weight needs dumping.

As for the art...not that good. Seemed to be a John Romita Jnr vibe going on...and it never worked.

You know, it was that bad an issue that I totally thought the tiny image of Thor creating lightning on a full splash page was an inhouse ad.

That is how bad this was.

I have followed The Avengers comic since I was eight years old and I am now..."considerably older"...and I have seen the good and the bad and this current run seems to have loose ends that are never tied up and inconsistencies in plots (in one issue we saw blood -huge amounts- spatter everywhere as Gorilla Man beat Stark to a pulp. Next issue Stark is Iron Man pursuing the villain and...not a bruise).

This really needs to be a title handled by a good writer and artistic team not be a lucky Bag where in the middle of a story we get "She Hulks getting a TV series -give her a three issue run!" or ...well if you've read the comic you know that whatever film or TV series is upcoming then the character from it will be spattered everywhere.

The Avengers became popular and created the basis for the movies because the stories and art were great.  In all honesty in the last 20 years there has not been one stand out story yet go back to the Silver and Bronze ages Avengers series and there is one story after another that made a big impact.  The people watching the TV series' and movies are NOT buying the comics and you can look at the sales to see that. Marvel is dead as the House of Ideas and has been for a long time.

Get Jim Shooter back.

This series is going downhill fast.

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