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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 21 January 2015

I Mght Argue About This But NOT Because They Are gay!

 From Dr Who 24/7:

My argument is based on logic and reality (yeah, I know but there are certain lines).  1) Yeah, Victorian police and the public just look on -think not too much that it's a "lizard lady"!   2) HOW are they married? Certainly not in a church.  3) WHY does it matter that they are lesbians?  Why not a "Straight man"award.  You cannot control your sexuality, it was decided before you were born so....

"So" I realise I'm trying to use logic over Dr Who.  I lost this argument.  I withdraw.

Doctor Who has been nominated for a +GLAAD Media Award.

Peter Capaldi’s debut episode, ‘Deep Breath’ has been nominated for Best Individual Episode, for its inclusion of the lesbian couple Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint.

The annual ceremony pays tribute to advocates for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender) community, and those who have represented the community in the media and entertainment industries.

The GLAAD Awards will take place in Los Angeles on 21st March and in New York on 9th May 2015.

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