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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 27 January 2015

We Enjoy Their Work But Where Are We When They Need OUR Help? Norm Breyfogle

Please read and visit the page.  If you can help please do.

NORM BREYFOGLE SUFFER STROKE and has a long road to recovery ahead with extended therapy and has no insurance. as a lengendary BATMAN ARTIST. his lifetime savings has already been dwindled down to nothing paying for for out of pocket, insurmountable medical expenses in nearly a week in I.C.U.

Norm has suffered paralysis on his left side (and is left handed). As an artist...that is devastating! Norm now needs months of extended care in a Nursing Home fscility with daily therapy that will hopefully enable him to once again, continue his skillful art and regain his mobility to be able to walk again.

Norm as touched many fans throughout his career as a professional artist and now needs all of our help. Norm has helped so many with his generosity throughout the years and has saved others lives in nearly the same situation of those in need of medical care expenses.

PLEASE Fans, Family and Friends, let's pull together now to help Norm after all he has done for all of us in the many ways he has touchd our lives. SPREAD THE WORD!

All it takes is just a $1 Donation from 200,000 of his fans, friends and family to pull him through! I am sure he may need much more to cover all the expenses...but this is a start!

Thank you all for all of your kind words and support! Norm appreciates all you do!

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