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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 May 2015

Jackie Frost Looks Pretty Hot.....

I had three emails during the week about a specific project that I mentioned ages ago The Dark Child, which was to have been the final part of the trilogy started in Eros Comix (Fantagraphic Books) in 1991 with the 4 issue series and later best selling trades  Two Hot Girls and later with Maeve, drawn by the very talented David Gordon of MyExcess fame.      
Steve, Mike and Joei here is the 100% straight-from-the-horse's-mouth answer. I have no idea when it will appear!

Honestly, Dave is working on his own MyExcess books as well as the toy and Chang3lings dolls so he is a very busy man and it is a lot of work for no pay!

The other question from Joei I can answer with a NO -if it saw print it would NOT be via Fantagraphics or the Eros line (if that is still going?).  

If a few hundred people start clamouring for the book maybe Dave will think about it -he needs to eat, too!

But, on another matter, I found the rough sketches Dave did for a series I was throwing around and I can't even remember the title of!!  However, these characters apper for the first time -officially- in The Green Skies, where they will not be drawn as well!!!

It's fun finding these things so....
So, firstly, from legend......The Green Knight.
The man who takes the blame for frozen and burst pipes during Winter.... Jack Frost
 Dave likes to play with things so decided to draw a female version of Jack...Jackie Frost -such a good idea I'm thinking of making them the Frost twins.  Guaranteed I will not be drawing her looking this good!!
 Ben 10.9 is what it says on my notes but I'm positive the character had another name!  I need to look out those old scripts!!!

Ahhhhh. Below N-Man.  Now you would not see the definite lines of head and hands just the glasses and "something" there -NOT invisible.  His connection to Task Force Germany's Leere or The Paranormals Mr No Face?  Ain't telling...but he/it/they may also be connected the the Belgian hero Nemesis.

I like these images.  IT'S MY BLOG!!!

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