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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 9 May 2015

Lady Linsay's Amigurumi At Phillipsburg Comic Con

Over on the blog roll you'll find Lady Linsay's Creations.  Here is a sample of these unique Amigurumi.

 Superman (man of steel inspired) amigurumi plush doll
This is an Amigurumi (Crochet Doll) that is about 7 1/2 inches tall. It comes from a smokeless home and is mailed with care. Takes about 1-2 business weeks to shipment. Great for collectibles, desk decoration or for your child.

All dolls are made from 100% acrylic yarn and hypo-allergenic polyester fiber fill. This doll can be machine washed on the delicate cycle, warm water, and in a small mesh laundry bag, such as Tide's BraBag. The symbol is hand painted with fabric paints, so take care of that area.

*This is a stock photo* Each doll is handmade, so they may be slightly different than the photo*

Now, I know you are probably asking where you can see these things and buy direct?  Well, LLsCreations will be at this weekends Phillipsburg Comic con

So go check out the stall and see (and buy) these great creations!

Online store:

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