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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 1 May 2015

The Not Really "Lost" More In A Box "Somwhere" Art Of Ben Dilworth

The one thing I have found is that if you go through stacks of documents and artwork dating back over thirty years you will find things.

That receipt you REALLY needed in 1994 but couldn't find.  The job application form you thought you sent off but didn't.  A map showing where the bosies are buried.  Letters from creators such as John Cooper and Mike Western and so on.

Included in that is art by Ben Dilworth.  This first piece is from a roughed up A3 photocopy he sent me circa 1988/89?  Not dated. Bloody artists. The copying was not that great but scanners cover up a lot!!
 This next page is from a strip titled "Shoes"? I think.  I'm sure I have the zine somewhere.  This is an original A4 page -1989?

This next piece is a battered photocopy and I have no idea what it was from.  Ben often sent pages of
things he was working on but this one is dated 1991.

This one I remember was an illoe to go to a horror (prose) zine.  I'm not sure if it was ever used though my mind says it did see it in a publication.  I say "Nay!", though.

Mr. Dilworth will have a few pieces of artwork to add to his collection when he gets back to the UK!

All artwork (c)2015 B. R. Dilworth

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