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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 13 May 2015

You Ask -"When does the new series of the X-Files begin?"

THE source for all news -Bedfordshire On Sunday online....

In all honesty I was a big X-Files fan...Eugene Victor Tooms had me looking in the toilet pan every time I went into the bathroom for weeks.  Donnie Pfaster -"Who does your nails, girly-girl?" 


Sorry.  But as the series progressed you could see that Carter was going more into the whole UFO conspiracy thing and when, like many, many others before him he found that the evidence showed it in the series which meant (not imagination) things gtot bad.

The monsters and creatures were cast aside and we had the sheer horror of having to see the series become a romantic -"will they-won't they?"  and that has continued ever since in US series -no imagination. But, oh gods, we had to endure the long drawn out "Scully's cancer" storyline that got so monotonous...until it "went away" and by that time new people joined the cast and the series was dragging itself through the cemetery. 

That was Carter's responsibility.  The two X-Files movies were not really that much to talk about -the first being more like something filling in between series.  The second was okay but I've seen it twice and all I remember is Billy Connolly as a disgraced child-molester ex-Catholic priest (WOW! That originality really was unpredictable) who might be psychic.  I am serious -THAT is all I can remember.

But I guess Duchovny and Carter really -really- need to do something to keep in the public eye.  Anderson has gone on to show that she really is a great actress in different genres.  Duchovny...didn't he play a sex addict in a TV series that ripped off a Red Hot Chilli Peppers song title...Californication?

So, while Anderson may not need the work (but pay cheques are always nice) Duchovny certainly does since his ex-wife is in a "major new TV series".

Oh, I'm a professional cynic but my heart ain't in it.

Let's see what happens....

Check this out -the top 20 scariest X-Files monsters :

David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will be returning to the X-Files in 2016
  FOX have revealed that the revived series of the X-Files will be broadcast from early 2016 stateside.
The six episode event series will begin on Sunday, January 24 before continuing in the 8pm time slot on Monday evenings, previously occupied by Gotham.

David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson and Mich Pileggi have all been confirmed to be reprising their original roles and the X-Files creator Chris Carter has been quoted as saying it was the perfect time for the series to return

"I think of it as a 13-year commercial break," he said. "The good news is the world has only gotten that much stranger, a perfect time to tell these six stories."

The X-Files originally aired for nine seasons between 1993 and 2002 before spawning two spin off feature films.

Glen Morgan and James Wong, who wrote classic episodes in the original series such as 'Squeeze' and 'Little Green Men', will join Carter and Darin Morgan to create the new season.

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