PLEASE Consider Supporting CBO

Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 13 December 2019

A REALLY Early Christmas Word

Posted on the Black Tower Face Book page:

I have written a good few times now, in detail here as well as on CBO and the Black Tower blog, how many people visit and view posts about Black Tower Books -couple hundred a day here alone- as well as the fact that those items have been viewed a couple million times since 2011.
But no one buys. So why visit this page every day?
Why click on every post about a BT title?
Black Tower Comics and Books via CBO alone has a world wide audience (even someone in the Sahara and Antarctic!!).
But no one buys the books -there are over a hundred covering various genres, graphic novels, comic albums and so on over at the online store.
Black Tower went through the "Can it continue" barrier a good while back. What does get sold won't even be considered a living income by HM Tax and Revenue and books sold in the US get taxed by the Revenue Service heavily (I'm a foreigner selling in the US).
To be honest I think it is clear that no one is really bothered other than me. PayPalMe box on CBO...covered in internet dust. I've tried it all and even GoFundMe -all zero responses. So how about all of those on my Face Book and online screaming that we MUST support independent creators (do they mean just themselves?).
As it stands I have closed blogs and FB pages as I might as well just be talking to myself -people are reading but giving no feedback.
Black Tower IS my only income and at the moment it looks as though 2020 will see it vanish.
Selling books -VERY lightly priced, too- is the only route to survival so when you get the time please check out the online store. And I type that knowing it goes to blind eyes.
Nothing else I guess you have to keep on pushing the dead horse.
THAT is my Christmas speech for 2019. 
Luckily I don't do Christmas and the laptop will keep me off the internet for a good while....

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