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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 December 2019

I care about as much as YOU do

I see Blogger has rewound the stats counter on this page. I really do not care any more to be honest if it shows the 6 million views figure or the 3 million views because they do absolutely nothing for me.

Since moving to Blogger in 2011 comments are so rare I often have to try to remember what they are.

Almost 41,000 views on the more recent BVlack Tower Comics and Books blog -comments...0

I was going to write an upbeat piece but I have absolutely nothing to be upbeat about.  No sales -my livelihood...well, nothing in any way shape or form. I drew one page of art and that was it. Shoved into a corner.

Day in and day out, year in and year out I post and it goes "somewhere".  Well now I've hit bottom (its okay I do not expect anyone to give a feck to be honest).

I have a few items I am committed to post and I'm hoping the laptop lasts for that. I think I have proven that there is no such thing as a "comics community" and fandom is certainly dead and buried.

As usual I will be working over Christmas in an attempt to see if there is any way I can continue the business.

It is traditional to thank supporters and regular customers at Christmas but as I have none I don't need to waste time with that.  You get free news and posts 365 days of the year since 2011 and as I am never thanked I won't bother thanking readers.

If I am back in the moment I care about as much as YOU do.

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