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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 28 December 2019

get in touch!

Now I am going to post a link to the post in question so that you can all read it for yourselves:

You might  wonder why I have to refer to this matter again? On Christmas Eve I received a Face Book message from a US comics blogger who asked "for the 411 on the Image Comics project". He wrote "411" a couple of times and I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. While I was waiting his next message I looked up "411" apparently, don't quote me, that is the phone number in the United States for "Information"?  I have no idea.

Anyway, the blogger was quite rude "insisting" rather than asking about the project. I sent him the link to the above post and he got "irritated" and insisting that I was holding out for bigger publicity and I was lying -"is it because of an NDA?" -NDA -Non Disclosure Agreement). It took a while but despite wanting to just block him I pointed out that the books in question did exist but were published by me under Black Tower Comics and I would be more than willing to answer any questions on them.

He never replied so I never heard which You Tube comic person had "broken the news".

I can assure you that neither I, nor Ben Dilworth, have been signed up by Image Comics or Dark Horse to redraw and publish Return of the Gods and Cross-Earths Caper and the Green Skies for them.

A couple of other You Tubers contacted me.  "It'll bee(sic) good publicity for you!" I was told.

People need to learn to read.

Oh, yes, someone did think my remark that I was working on a Marvel Comics project was the real deal. If I made it any more obvious a joke...

What is annoying is that these persons claim to have checked out all the posts to do with those books and were very -VERY- interested. When I convinced them that Image and Dark Horse was not involved but that I would willingly answer questions on the books...nothing. Interest was gone.

Why? Image comics or Dark Horse -very interested. A struggling publisher producing those books -no interest at all.  I think this shows why so many Independent publishers have vanished because the fake "geek/nerd" culture only recognises big publishers as 'independents'.

Anyway, I can find no new mentions of the books online and the first blogger appears to have deleted his news "exclusive" story 😆😆

Any serious interest in interviews to publicise MY books...get in touch!

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