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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 30 December 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art: GOMER GOOF 05 - GOOFBALL SEASON

Authors: Franquin
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
ISBN: 9781849184625
£6.99 inc. VAT
Gomer is absolutely peerless when it comes to disrupting life at Spirou Magazine, much to his boss Prunelle’s and long-suffering Mr De Mesmaeker’s chagrin. But don’t you go underestimating him! The truth is that his laziness, his talent for invention and even his love of animals – not to mention his antiquated lemon of a car– are perfectly capable of spreading chaos anywhere, in any season. You can’t even imagine what he can do when it snows!
There is a nice text feature in this volume that took my attention as, to be honest, my streak of humour has been removed over the last year. There are the gags -including visual but what gets me is the art. Initially you think it is "very simplistic" but when you look at it properly you see just how detailed and stylised Franquin's work is. I know one adult who told me that this series was his guilty pleasure!
I think Gomer Goof, from reading previous volumes, is a series youngsters and adults can read -and why not?

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