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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 28 February 2020

Cinebook the 9th Art Newsletter 146 - February 2020

Dear Reader,
Do you dream of adventure? Of exploration? Of pitting yourself against strange and hostile environments? But perhaps more from the comfort of your own reading nook?
Yeah, we know the feeling! So why don’t you leave it to us and read some of our new titles this month? For example, our 74th Lucky Luke takes us to the Klondike, in the far north, at the time of the gold rush. Extreme cold, nefarious plots, a strong-willed lady and a stubborn Mountie – what’s not to like, hmm?
Canada not far enough for you? Then hop onto Angus the living ship and follow the heroes of Orbital to a planet outside the borders of the Confederation – birthplace of the Neuronomes and eye of a storm that could set the entire galaxy ablaze. Dive into the unknown!
Then there are other types of hostile environments. Not the wild, but something manmade, like the tragic – and all too real - circumstances that plague the province of Kivu in the Congo. There, greed and violence combine to change a rich, potentially prosperous land into a constant warzone – but a few good people still fight to help those in need, like the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dr Denis Mukwege.
Finally, we have several titles coming back in print: The Bluecoats 1 (The Navy Blues), Spirou & Fantasio 2 (In New York), Lucky Luke 62 (The Cursed Ranch), Long John Silver 1 (Lady Vivian Hastings) and Buck Danny 2 (The Secrets of the Black Sea)
February with Cinebook: to boldly read ... !

Simon & Van Hamme
The province of Kivu in the Congo is rich in rare and precious minerals such as coltan, which is vital to our modern technology. However, that wealth is coveted by so many, within the Congo or abroad, that the entire region is a permanent bloodbath ... Read more

Lucky Luke 74
Morris & Léturgie and Yann
The Klondike
Gold has been found in the Klondike, a remote region in the Canadian far north! Jasper, the manservant of ‘Tenderfoot’ Waldo, went to try his luck … and vanished. Worried about his man, Waldo calls upon his old friend Lucky Luke… ... Read more

Orbital 8
Pellé & Runberg
It’s clear now: the Neuronomes are not attacking the Confederation, but rather are the victims of a mysterious aggressor, and they explode when they die. They did, however, take up positions near large population centres, threatening to take thousands of lives with them ... Read more
Distant Worlds 4
Episode 4
Lucky Luke 75
Rin Tin Can’s Inheritance

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