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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 27 February 2020

In Search of Moebius (BBC 4 Documentary)

1 comment:

  1. Love it. A brilliant documentary on 'The Pope Of Comics' incredibly it's eight years since he died. I first saw his spellbinding Surrealist/SF work when in college in the seventies, English translation in Heavy Metal. Again, I suppose, it's the usual thing - and the same with Mezieres, Druillet, et al. Even though this material is merely across the channel from us, it has to go across the Atlantic to get translated before being fed back to us by American imported magazines! One of my favourite Surrealists, amongst Remedios Varo, Dorothea Tanning, John Tunnard and Desmond Morris, though, of course, with very divergent styles. The wonderful last exhibition catalogue was grabbed for me by a friend from Italy. He said that the French wouldn't give one up to someone living in England. I won't say I'm surprised. The facility with images, speed and quality were amazing. A shame some of that isn't available in supplement form. The number of times I could have done with it. I think the documentary 'Metamoebius' is still out there. Filmed around a year or so before his death, this film is a treasure for all fans of this giant of European illustration.
