PLEASE Consider Supporting CBO

Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 24 February 2020

I'm just lost for words

I tried an experiment  over the weekend. Every toy fair or San Diego Comic Con I post new links to video and news as they appear and save visitors to this blog many hours of scrolling around.

Between Friday and last night I posted over 150 times, mostly on CBO but also on the Black Tower and British Golden Age blogs.  I am excluding the posting to Twitter and Face Book. Not just toy fair was covered but the whole Dan Didio mess.

Views went up by a few thousand.

Not one single comment, "thanks for the link" or any words from all of those visitors.

As I wrote before, the future of CBO is dependent on the next month or so but I just looked at the views for each post and realised I should not have bothered and just used it and not shared. The ingratitude, through being ignorant, is like a blazing beacon.

Zero support. I'm just lost for words to describe how I feel about the grab and don't even say thank you comic culture.

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