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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 23 February 2020

Tick Tock Its The Clock

Ben R. Dilworth
Cover T. Hooper-Scharf
Black & White
31 Pages  
Price: £5.00
Ships in 3–5 business days
Feature Comics #21, 1936. the Clock, eventually revealed to be society man and former district attorney Brian O'Brien, wore a three-piece suit, a fedora, and a black full-face mask. The first masked hero of comics dealt with crime using guile and gun and usually left a calling card that bore an image of a clock and the words "The Clock Has Struck."

Ben Dilworth steps in to fill in the gaps and what MADE the Clock -plus a revelation: What happened to O'Brien's look-alike and crime busting companion Pug?

Prepare for violence, harsh language and to ask the question:can there ever really be justice from the barrel of a gun?

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