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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 24 February 2020

"Where's the Photocopier -I Hate Print on Demand!

Being paranoid when it comes to pdf files and page sizes, whenever I get completed books together I will double, triple and quadruple check every page and make sure the sizes are right.

I got sent a link to a free PDF converter and it only does pages in batches of 20s so an 80 book equals 4 PDF files that then get combined into one 80 pager.

Went through the New Project phase with my POD and then uploaded the file.....
Rejected because pages were of differing sizes.


So I checked all the pages and made the PDF from start again then uploaded.
rejected due to different page sizes.

Double checked and all pages are okay so tried up,loading three more times (Robert the Bruce would be proud of me). Failed.

So I contacted the site assistant who asked me to upload the file to My Files so she could check it. That upload was rejected every time for the same reasons. Then it uploaded. So off went the lady to check the file and I downloaded it to see if I could see a problem.

Everything looked perfect so I wrote back stating this and she told me that the file looked perfect so she tried uploading it for me....failed due to page size difference. Now she is asking their useless tech people to open a case file and look into it.

Four hours wasted.

Remember when you slapped the art pages onto a photocopier platten and made your own comics without this crap?

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