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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 20 September 2023

To Mark 2023 Being The Year of the Werewolf: Ben R. Dilworth's Werewolf

 From Ben R. Dilworth's PenguinFlight's A Little Midnight Horror and because no contributor signed or dated their work (creators ALWAYS sign and date your work) my brain has to try to remember and I believe this was published in 1986/1987. 

This is in the original black on blue paper and re-adjusted to make it "sparkle".

I thought I had republished this in b&w in a Tales of Terror but it seems not. Probably. Firstly a before tidy-up page.

And now the story which will be reprinted in better quality soon!

All art and character (c)2023 Ben R. Dilworth/ Black Tower Comics


  1. I haven't seen that in a long time ! A small correction : Mark Millar was Shadowmen - Season of Cain was John Smith. Both of whom went on to work in 2000AD to some success as I recall. 1986 sounds about right for A Little Midnight Horror. Fun days. I've got a new Werewolf strip finished up ( hospital hasn't stopped me - just slowed me down ! ) I'll send it on when I'm free. Good luck with the Year of the Werewolf....if you need an extra strips - let me know ! TTFN Terry.

    1. I wrote Millar then stopped. Thought about it then deleted it. Then I thought "I'm sure it was!" so put it back in. Feeble minded aging git I am. Thanks for the correction. Just hurry up and get out of that place!
