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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Casterman BD: Magasin General 8: Les Femmes/General Store 8 -Women

Authors: Jean-Louis Tripp , Régis Loisel        Collection: Universe authors
Full colour
64 pages
Dimensions: 24x32x1.1 cm
ISBN: 2203049227
EAN: 9782203049222

Price: € 14.95
Date of publication: 21/11/2012

The winter again. After the charleston, brought by Marie of Montreal, has swept like a fury through Notre-Dame-des-Lacs, men have finally gone back to the forest, to work throughout the cold season. Calm can finally return to the village. But not for very long …

For Mary, after sharing her bed with  Ernest and Mathurin, discovers that she is pregnant without knowing who the father is – and she had always thought that she was sterile!

Meanwhile, Réjean, the young parish priest, takes refuge  in the construction of his boat, disturbed by his intimate and existential questions that have led to a crisis of faith and he feels no longer able to answer his the religious calling.

This leads to fear and panic amongst the bigots of the village and there is even talk of going to fetch the bishop! After all, where is this all going to lead?  The mayor angry about the priest, the wild dances, lovers who live in sin and children without a father … is this not a sign of a curse unleashed on Notre-Dame-des-Lacs?

Some very nice art and it’s very atmospheric but, as to the story, not a lot I can add when I’m coming in at volume 8!  But the art sells the book for me!

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