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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Cinebook The 9th Art: Thorgal 12 -The Brand Of The Exiles

Thorgal vol. 12- The Brand of the Exiles
Rosinski & Van Hamme
Full colour
48 colour pages
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Age: 15 years and up
ISBN: 9781849181365
Price: £5.99 inc. VAT
Publication: October 2012

Thorgal has been gone for three years. Now, the last raiding expedition organised by the men of his village is late in returning. When a single survivor stumbles in to announce that their drakkar was boarded by the dreaded Shaigan, he also reveals that Shaigan is actually… Thorgal!
Outraged, the grieving, vengeful Viking women banish Aaricia and her children and brand her an exile. All that’s left for them is to try to find Thorgal again.
Did I ever think I would see Thorgal published in English? Yes, because it is a great series.  But did I ever think we would see it reach a twelfth volume? No. It is just one more successful series from Cinebook that I really, really hope English readers appreciate.
The twists and turns keep coming and to be honest a lot of what I’ve read so far, especially Thorgal in Mesoamerica I have not seen before.  Now his wife and children become, once more, victims of his adventures.
Will I write about the script? No.  Will I write about the art? No.  Why not? Are you kidding me? This is Van Hamme and Rosinski (and I’ve run out of ways to describe Rosinski’s art and colour work…sigh).
At 2013 UK comic conventions I want to see Thorgal cosplayers –Saintcantin has Orbital covered!
I LOVE that cover!

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