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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 16 November 2012

Water Closet Press: Ladies And Gentlemen #1 & 2

All art from Ladies & Gentlemen #1

Ladies and Gentlemen #1
The Water Closet Press
Writer: Richard Worth
Artist: Jordan Collver
Black & white
US Comic size
Buy it from Travelling Man, OK Comic, Excelsior or at 
According to Richard Worth:
“Ladies and Gentlemen is a comic packed with adventure, mystery, romance, moustaches and monocles. It follows the adventure of The Gentry, a team of Victorian crime fighters. It’s a love letter to Silver Age comics, magicians and myths.”
“The Curse Of The Were-Hyena” -The story is okay and the artwork looks rather “busy” with a lot of detail and some very nicely drawn architecture.
It’s the sort of comic I’d normally have picked up on my trips to comic shops when they had mixed boxes of back issues and I was looking for interesting independent comics.  I like the fact that someone other than me is aware of the legends of were-hyaenas!
Check out the Water Closet Press website and if you see them at any events –buy a copy!

Ladies & Gentlemen #2
Black & White
US Size
24 pages
Order as above

The story of the were-hyena continues and new threats emerge.  The art here is far less “busy” and detailed as in the first issue and is a lot cleaner.  Not surprising really since, if you want to keep to a deadline you do need to compromise to a degree,

This could develop into a good series so it’ll be nice to see how the art develops –nothing wrong with the art in this issue but I do love me some “busy” detailed art!

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