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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Emma Vieceli Joins Alex rider

According to Emma Vieceli:
It&#8217;s official!<br /><br />
I&#8217;m excited to announce that next year I&#8217;ll be diving into the world of Alex Rider as the artist on the graphic novels. ^_^<br /><br />
Details can be found by clicking the link above. I&#8217;m very excited to be working with Antony Johnston on the books, and they are of course adapted by him from Anthony Horowitz&#8217;s fantastic novel series. There are already graphic novels of the series out there, and I do urge you to go check them out because they&#8217;re really lovely books, but I&#8217;ll be jumping in at Scorpia; book five in the series.<br /><br />
I&#8217;m thrilled to be joining Walker Books on this series - what a great team I&#8217;m getting to work with! ^_^
It’s official!

I’m excited to announce that next year I’ll be diving into the world of Alex Rider as the artist on the graphic novels. ^_^
I’m very excited to be working with Antony Johnston on the books, and they are of course adapted by him from Anthony Horowitz’s fantastic novel series. There are already graphic novels of the series out there, and I do urge you to go check them out because they’re really lovely books, but I’ll be jumping in at Scorpia; book five in the series.

I’m thrilled to be joining Walker Books on this series – what a great team I’m getting to work with! ^_^

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