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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Moth City

From Tim Gibson:

My graphic novel is being showcased online (in webcomic form), and I know you could never do a review of it, due to it’s nature, but after reading “PDFs… We’ll look at them prior to interviews or to mention them in passing but if you WANT a review we need a hard copy.  No hard copy =NO review.”

So I guess I’m asking for a ‘mention in passing’ :)

Mini Blurb:
Set against the backdrop of the Chinese Civil war, when the governing Nationalist Party fought Mao’s Communists, Moth City tells the story of an American weapons tycoon who must solve a brazen murder, before his city’s inhabitants are wiped out by the warring factions.

Moth City is an independent online digital graphic novel; a crime/horror comic with splashing of westerns and 1970s Kung Fu movies. It is a story about control – when we lose it, when we gain it, and when others hold it over us.
 Mini ‘me’ Blurb’:
I am the writer/artist on Moth City, though the amazing website was designed and built by Steven Holt and Mark Webster. I normally work in the film industry as a concept designer or animator. I have worked on some big Hollywood movies that were made here in New Zealand, like Tintin and District 9.

Okay, Uncle Terry’s time to write something. Firstly, CBO is not against web comics -I’ve linked to more than a few in the past as regulars will know. If it looks good I’ll mention it. I obviously cannot review Moth City because I can’t get to see any pages (no idea what is going on there) but let me know what you think.
It is only pdf comics we won’t touch for review.
So check out Moth City!

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