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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 26 September 2013

Batman comic artist Neal Adams leaves extensive portfolio in a cab


A legendary comic book artist accidentally left two portfolio books with original art in a cab in Manhattan—and is hoping an everyday superhero will help him track them down.

Neal Adams's missing art
Neal Adams’s missing art

Neal Adams, an artist best known for Batman and Green Arrow, as well as dozens of other characters, left the books in a beige Bucky O’Hare bag inside the trunk of a Crown Victoria yellow cab about 7:40 p.m. on Sept. 4.
The driver dropped him off at West 27th Street near 7th Avenue after picking him up on 39th Street and 6th Avenue.

The books are valued at tens of thousands of dollars, his daughter, Kris Adams, said.
To find them, Adams’ studio is working closely with the Taxi and Limousine Commission, and the NYPD. Flyers have been handed out to cab drivers all over Manhattan — with a sketch of the driver by Adams, the images, and the bag.

Neal Adams's missing art
“We need everyone’s help and hopefully the artwork will be found,” said his daughter Kris Adams.
Anyone who has the books or a tip should call 212.869.4170, and a reward will be offered.
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